Saturday, December 19, 2020

All about OCD Treatment in Bhopal to Learn

OCD doesn’t go away on own and also it doesn’t have a cure. However, you simply cannot avoid it or assume your way out of the repetitive ideas and thoughts that manage your life. Now what you can control is the decision to get OCD treatment in Bhopal.


The very first step is looking for the right doctor. The diagnosis conducted will show whether the symptoms are the consequence of bodily troubles. If they aren’t, your doctor will suggest to you the mental illness proficient psychologist or therapist who can set up an ideal plan for you. If you are considering medication, they may suggest the right psychiatrist in Bhopal as well.

For many, combining medication and talk therapy may work favorably.

1-      ERP- Exposure & response prevention or ERP, the name itself suggests that you will be exposed to various things that activate your anxiety, little at a time. You will learn many new ways to respond to those in the place of your repetitive rituals. ERP is the process that you may do one-on-one with the mental health specialist or in group therapy, either with your family or your own.

2-      CBT- OCD is having a cycle- obsession, anxiety, compulsion, and relief.  CBT or Cognitive behavioral therapy, a kind of psychotherapy provides you the tool to think and act and then react to your unhealthy habits and ideas. The aim is to replace the false thoughts with productive ones.

3-      Medication- The antidepressants are the first medicine that is recommended for OCD. It doesn’t essentially mean that you are depressed. However, it’s just the antidepressants cure OCD. Your doctor may recommend the best medication based on your present health condition, age, and symptoms. However, it may take time for OCD drugs to work and they would leave some effects like dry mouth or even suicidal thoughts. If you get suicidal thoughts it's better you call your doctor and talk about this thing.

Other treatments-

Often OCD doesn’t respond favorably to therapy or medication. The experimental treatment for harsh cases of OCD is including-

1-        Deep brain stimulation where you get the electrodes implanted surgically inside your brain.

2-        You may join clinical trials to test the unverified therapies.

3-        Electrodes attached to the head provide you electric shocks for starting seizures that make the brain release hormones namely serotonin.

Your OCD treatment goals will be to retrain the brain and manage the symptoms with the least amount of possible medications. Set up yourself for getting the right OCD treatment in Bhopal and get better sleep, eat healthy food, and surround yourself with a better atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

OCD Symptoms Checklist for you

 Are you hooked on a sanitizer? Do you want your closet to be organized all the time? Actions like this usually be characterized by the personality or preferences of an individual, but in some of the extreme cases, it can pinpoint one of the serious issues that is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. So, are you confused whether you have OCD or not? If yes, then go through this checklist recommended by the reputed psychiatrist in Bhopal


Obsessions about Dirt & Contamination

·         Unwanted fears of contracting a serious illness

·         Excessive concerns about dirt and germs

·         Feelings of disgust against bodily waste or secretions

·         Concerns about sticky substances

Obsessive Need for Order or Symmetry

·         Overwhelming need to align objects

·         Concerns about neatness of either personal appearance or environment

Obsessions about Saving

·         Stashing away useless trash

·         Inability to discard anything just because it may be needed sometime

Repetitive Rituals

·         Repeating routine activities on a regular basis for no logical reason

·         Repeating questions over and over

·         Rewriting words or phrases

Nonsensical Doubts

·         Unwanted fears that arise that an individual has failed to do any of the routine tasks

Religious Obsessions

·         Troublesome or sacrilegious thoughts

·         Excessive concerns about right or wrong

Obsessions with Aggressive Content

·         Unwanted fear of causing some fatal tragedy like fire

·         Repeated images of violence striking in the head

·         Unwanted fear of acting out as a result of a violent thought

·         The irrational fear of hurting someone tremendously

Obsessions with Food & Weight

·         Any already occupied mind with certain foods or food measurements

·         Some of the rituals which involve food like ensuring the fact that every bite is of the same size

·         Fears that some foods are bad for health and thus must be avoided

·         Being overly concerned about own weight

Superstitious Fears

·         Rising the belief that some of the particular numbers are "lucky" or "unlucky"

·         Ritualized hand-washing, showering, bathing, or brushing

·         The feeling that household items are contaminated and can’t be cleaned even if being washed several times

Compulsions about Having Things Just Right

·         Need for symmetry and total order

·         Need to keep doing the same thing until and unless it gets "just right"

Hoarding Compulsions

·         Inspecting trash again and again so as to ensure that any "valuable" item has not been thrown away

·         Collecting useless objects

Checking Compulsions

·         Repeatedly checking if the door is properly locked or the gas stove is turned off

·         Checking again and again so as to make sure that no one has being harmed

·         Checking and rechecking for mistakes

If you find some or more symptoms in you or people around you, then it is vital that you consider OCD treatment in Bhopal.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Know Symptoms, Causes & Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Most of the people get nervous on an occasion, like when you ask them to give a speech or go for interview. But in the social anxiety disorder is much more than being nervous on any occasion. This disorder involves intense fear of the social situations and this fact becomes true especially in the situations where the individual feels that he or she’ll be watched or will be judged by others. These situations become so frightening for them that they become anxious just by the thought of this. And to avoid this, they can go to any lengths. At this stage, it becomes extremely important for that person to consider consulting psychiatrist in Bhopal

What causes social anxiety?
Most of the people fall into trap of this disorder, and it’s actually quite common. The situations that trigger this disorder could be different. But the common social anxiety triggers include:

·         Meeting new people
·         Public speaking
·         Performing on the stage
·         Being center of attention
·         Being watched while doing something
·         Being teased
·         Talking with authority figures
·         Going on a date
·         Speaking up in a meeting
·         Eating or drinking in public
·         Making phone calls
·         Attending social gatherings 

What are the signs of social anxiety disorder? 

Just because of the fact that you get occasionally nervous doesn’t mean that you have social anxiety disorder. But still, it is important that you match your signs with the below given list. And if you do match, then you must go for social anxiety treatment as soon as possible. So, the signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder are as follows:

Social anxiety disorder

·         Feeling excessive anxiety in everyday social situations
·         Intense worry for an upcoming social situation
·         Extreme fear of being watched or judged by others
·         Fear of the act which will embarrass or humiliate you
·         Fear that others will notice
·         Avoiding social situations to a length which will limit your activities
·         Staying quiet or hiding in the background
·         Need to always bring a buddy along with you wherever you go
·         Drinking before social situations 

It is vital that you try some of the self-help techniques for getting rid of social anxiety disorder. But if that doesn’t work-out, then you must consider social anxiety treatment. Now, there are more therapies to be found out for treating the social anxiety disorder, but out of them Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT has been shown to work best for treating it.