Monday, August 12, 2019

6 Common Causes of Forgetfulness

Memory plays a vital role in our in this blog, I am writing some causes of forgetfulness. Memory slips are frustrating, and sometimes you worried if your memory is lost. If more often your memory slips then it can be the symptom of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some treatable causes of forgetfulness.

Here are six common causes of forgetfulness -
Lack of sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep there are chances that you lost your memory or you can say forgetfulness is common for you. It is advised that take enough sleep at night. Sleep can give you more energy and you feel relaxed and it helps you to learn things for the longer time. 

Medications. Tranquilizers, antidepressants, some blood pressure drugs, and other medications many times can affect memory. Many times a patient using these medications feel sad and confused. If you have memory loss and you think it is a result of any medicine, you must visit a psychiatrist near you so that he / she can advise you its alternative. 

Underactive thyroid. If your body thyroid is not doing its job, you may have forgetfulness. A faltering thyroid has direct effect on your memory, so a simple blood test is sufficient to make sure your thyroid is doing its job. 

Alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol is one of the common and well-known cause of memory loss. Many people who drinks alcohol has very weak memory and in many researches it is proved. Psychiatrists and mental health counselors suggests that alcohol is bad for your mental health. 

Stress and anxiety. If a person has stress and anxiety, it is obvious that his/ her memory will be lost or will be weak. A stressed person always finds it difficult to concentrate on things.  

Depression. Common signs of depression includes sadness, lack of concentration, lack of sleep, stress, lack of energy, lack of self-confidence etc. A person having depression has weak memory or forgetfulness is common in these peoples. 

If your memory is sharp and strong, you have reduced anxiety and frustration. Many times you can improve your memory by eating right amount of dry fruits and fruits plus green leafy vegetables. Consult a psychiatrist if you have forgetfulness.

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