Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why do people experience OCD

What is OCD?
According to Dr. Satyakant Trivedi, an award-winning psychiatrist in Bhopal, OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a condition in which people experience unwanted thoughts, feelings, compulsions and fears. These are referred to as Obsessions that can make people feel anxious. So as to get relief from the obsessions and anxiety, OCD temps people to perform certain behaviors called Compulsions or Rituals.

What are Obsessions?
Obsessions are certain fears that people experiencing OCD can’t stop to think about. Although they realize that their obsessions don’t make sense but still they’re anxious about certain things.
·         The fears that make them anxious are:

·         Fear of hurting someone till death.
·         Fear of saying a bad word, having a bad thought or making a mistake
·         Fear of breaking up a rule or they’re being sinned
·         Fear of something is dirty or germy
·         Fear of unlucky or lucky, good or bad, harmful or safe

What are compulsions?
Compulsions are behaviors that people with OCD do in a repeated manner. This causes them to feel or make sure that things are clean, safe, in perfect order or just right. It causes them to repeat things and thus, it becomes vital for them to seek OCD treatment in Bhopal. To people with OCD, the compulsions seem to have the power to prevent bad things from coming.

The rituals happen such as:
·         Washing and cleaning
·         Re-writing, re-doing and re-reading things to ensure it’s correct
·         Repeating a question or phrase for more times
·         Going out and in several times in a day
·         Counting things a number of times
·         Avoiding unlucky numbers
·         Putting things in a specific order
·         Ensuring that lights are off, doors are locked and checking of the things

Why do people experience OCD?
Scientists don’t have found out proper reasons for getting OCD but it’s sure that biological factors play an important role. People may get OCD because it would be in their genes. There would be difference in the rituals or compulsion.

How is OCD treated?
OCD can be treated with medicine and therapy. OCD treatment in Bhopal includes CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy such as talk and does therapy, understanding how these rituals and compulsions can affect life. This way they can learn how to ignore the obsession, rituals and compulsions and cope up with them.

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